Online Consultation for the Hoe Neighbourhood Plan

Tell us what you think

From this page, you can view any section or policy of the Hoe Neighbourhood Plan and make comments that the Hoe Neighbourhood Forum must consider before the Plan is submitted to Plymouth City Council. Choose whichever sections or policies interest you -- any or all of them! 

If you have limited time,  
we suggest you look at Section 4, which outlines the vision and objectives of the Plan, and Section 5 and its policies, which are the heart of this plan. 

The Hoe Neighbourhood Plan

Section 1: Introduction to the Hoe Neighbourhood Development Plan

Section 2: The Planning Policy Context

Section 3: About the Hoe Neighbourhood Area

Section 4 - A Vision for the Hoe Neighbourhood Area

Section 5: Hoe Neighbourhood Development Plan Policies     

Heritage and Design Policies

Blue and Green Environment Policies

Pedestrian and Transport Policies

Housing Policies

Infrastructure Policies

Section 6: Implementation and Monitoring

Evidence Base for the Neighbourhood Plan