Official Hoe Neighbourhood Plan document (89 pages, 4.1MB)
Evidence Base for the Hoe Neighbourhood Plan
Plan Documents
Appendix 1: Hoe Neighbourhood Area Iconic Views
Appendix to the Hoe Neighbourhood Plan that provides a map and photographs to support the Plan’s Policy H3: Protection of Iconic Views. Map, which identifies 27 iconic views within the Hoe Neighbourhood Area that are worthy of protection
Appendix 2: Hoe Neighbourhood Area Local Heritage List
Appendix to the Hoe Neighbourhood Plan identifying local architectural and/or historic features within the Hoe Neighbourhood Area that are worthy of inclusion in Policy H4 and are not nationally listed (e.g., Grade I, Grade II, etc.)
Appendix 3: Hoe Neighbourhood Area Local Heritage Audit
Audit of local buildings and assets undertaken by members of the Hoe Neighbourhood Forum Steering Group to identify Non-Designated Heritage Assets (NDHAs), recognising their value to the local character of the area
Appendix 4: Hoe Neighbourhood Area Buildings of Negative Quality
Appendix to the Hoe Neighbourhood Plan identifying buildings of negative quality within the Hoe Conservation Area
Hoe Neighbourhood Plan Basic Conditions Statement
Statement explaining how the Hoe Neighbourhood Plan meets the requirements of paragraph 8 of Schedule 4B to the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (15 pages, 913KB)
Hoe Neighbourhood Plan Consultation Statement
Statement that meets the requirements laid down in the Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012 by setting out the details of the persons and bodies who were consulted about the plan, how the consultation was carried out, a summary of the main issues and concerns raised through the consultation, and a description of how those issues and concerns have been considered and addressed in the plan (12 pages, 1.55MB)
Hoe-Specific Evidence
Barbican Conservation Area Appraisal and Management Plan
Plymouth City Council’s 2007 appraisal of the Barbican Conservation Area, identifying risks and opportunities, and providing a framework for decision-making to protect and enhance the Barbican area (58 pages, 7.74MB)
Heritage Audit for Hoe Neighbourhood Plan Area
Audit of heritage assets in 2019 for Hoe Neighbourhood Plan Area, including buildings at risk, buildings of heritage value, monuments and memorials, hidden features, and significant architectural or landscape features (16 pages, 1.15MB)
Local Green Space Audit for The Hoe Neighbourhood Plan
Independent assessment of the sites available for designation as local green spaces with a view to informing the choice of which spaces in the Neighbourhood Plan area to designate as LGSs and identifying opportunities for enhancing areas that are special to the local community (68 pages, 5.72MB)
Local Insight England Summary Report
Statistical report on the Hoe Neighbourhood Plan area showing local data on population, employment and unemployment, housing, crime, education, environment, and transport (44 pages, 1.2MB)
Map of the Hoe Conservation Area
Official Ordnance Survey map of the Hoe Conservation Area (1 page, 1.67MB)
Ofsted Report on St Andrews Primary School
Inspection report on St Andrews C of E VA Primary School from October 2022 (7 pages, 153KB)
Plymouth Hoe and Madeira Road County Wildlife Site Management Statement
Assessment of the Hoe waterfront’s wildlife status in 2009 and recommendations for its management (5 pages, 461KB)
Plymouth Hoe Design Guide
Design Guide for Plymouth Hoe, which provides guidelines for developers and home owners to help them understand how to apply the policies set out in the Hoe Neighbourhood Plan with respect to design, layout, materials and landscape in the preparation of planning applications (137 pages, 126MB)
Site Planning Statement for Plymouth Register Office, The Hoe
PCC’s planning statement providing guidance for the redevelopment of the Register Office site and including key planning and design issues (4 pages, 896KB)
Technical Facilitation for Plymouth Local Plan Site PLY27 (Register Office)
Report providing evidence for amending Plymouth City Council’s policy PLY27 within the Plymouth and South West Devon Joint Local Plan concerning future development of the former Register Office site (referred to as ‘the PLY27 site’) to bring it into line with what the local community wants to see on that site (50 pages, 2.1MB)
The Hoe Conservation Area Appraisal and Management Plan 2008
Plymouth City Council’s 2008 appraisal of the Hoe Conservation Area, identifying risks and opportunities, and providing a framework for decision-making to protect and enhance the Hoe area (50 pages, 8.65MB)
The Hoe Housing Needs Assessment
A housing needs assessment for the Hoe Neighbourhood Plan Area prepared by AECOM providing recommendations on future housing needs and evidence based on a range of housing trends, issues, and analysis (68 pages, 1.61MB)
The Hoe Park Management Plan (2017-2020)
Plymouth City Council’s management plan for the Hoe Park over 2017-2020, which set out aspirations and objectives for the park’s ongoing protection, management and continuing development (34 pages, 5.8MB)
The Hoe Park Management Plan (2024-2029)
Plymouth City Council’s management plan for the Hoe Park over 2024-2029, which sets out aspirations and objectives for the park’s ongoing protection, management and continuing development (29 pages, 13MB)
West Hoe Park Management Plan (2019-2024)
Plymouth City Council’s management plan for West Hoe Park over 2019-2024, which sets out aspirations and objectives for the park’s ongoing protection, management and continuing development (30 pages, 1.3MB)
Hoe Neighbourhood Forum Constitution
Constitution adopted by the Hoe Neighbourhood Forum in 2016 (6 pages, 84KB)
Hoe Neighbourhood Forum Evidence Base and Policy Development
Final report from AECOM on the evidence required to support the policies proposed in the Hoe Neighbourhood Plan (103 pages, 1.55MB)
Plymouth-Wide Strategies and Evidence
Combustion-Free Mobility for Plymouth – Post COVID-19
Action plan proposed by the Sustainable Transport Group of Climate Action Plymouth to achieve zero-combustion transport within the city of Plymouth, involving better pedestrian and cycle routes and measures to drastically reduce the number of fossil-fuel vehicles in our city (57 pages, 4.74MB)
Declaration on Climate Emergency
PCC's Declaration on Climate Emergency of March 2019 (2 pages, 121KB)
Draft Tall Buildings Strategy
Plymouth's strategy for the development of tall buildings in the city
Evidence Base for the Joint Local Plan – Heritage Impact Assessment
PCC report on the impact of the site allocations in the Joint Local Plan on the historic environment of the area, specifically Policy DEV21 (Conserving the Historic Environment) and Policy DEV22 (Development affecting the historic environment), which aim to protect and encourage the enhancement of heritage assets (176 pages, 11.1MB)
Evidence Base for the Joint Local Plan – Plymouth Open Space Assessment
Independent report for PCC by Land Use Consultants (LUC) Ltd on the quality, quantity and accessibility of Plymouth’s open spaces (127 pages, 10MB)
Evidence Base for the Joint Local Plan – Plymouth Tree Canopy Cover Assessment
Independent report for PCC by Treeconomics and Forest Research on tree canopy cover in the Plymouth area, including identifying where there are opportunities to increase tree cover by highlighting areas of low tree canopy cover and available plantable space (55 pages, 2.58MB)
Index of Multiple Deprivation 2019 – Plymouth Summary Analysis
PCC report analysing the data for Plymouth in the government’s 2019 Index of Deprivation, which provides statistics on income, employment, education, health, crime, public services, and environment for every neighbourhood in England (18 pages, 1.8MB)
Joint Local Plan Market Signals Update
Report providing updated market signals (June 2016) for the Strategic Housing Market Assessment, considering house price trends, private rental market, housing market activity and rates of development, overcrowding, homelessness, and those in temporary accommodation (10 pages, 808KB)
Plymouth & South West Devon Joint Local Plan 2014-2034
Strategic plan for 2014-2034 adopted by Plymouth, West Devon, and South Hams in 2019, which sets out the spatial strategy for growth in the region and specific plans for areas within the region (368 pages, 32MB)
Plymouth and South West Devon JLP Supplementary Planning Document
Supplementary document for the Plymouth and South West Devon Joint Local Plan (JLP), which amplifies and gives guidance on the implementation of JLP policies (308 pages, 8.35MB)
Plymouth and South West Devon Joint Local Plan - Baseline Transport Conditions Report
Overview of transport and travel patterns in the Plymouth and South West Devon JLP area, along with a review of relevant studies into transport issues, bringing together existing information and data on transport conditions, highlighting key issues on transport to, from, or within Plymouth and its urban fringes (114 pages, 3.93MB)
Plymouth and South West Devon Joint Plan Transport Infrastructure Statement
Report setting out the transport infrastructure requirements for the Joint Local Plan area (24 pages, 576KB)
Plymouth Biodiversity Network Creation Process 2017
Document explaining the process of creating the Plymouth and South West Devon biodiversity network, which forms part of the evidence base for the Joint Local Plan developed by Plymouth City Council, South Hams District Council and West Devon Borough Council (11 pages, 1.21MB)
Plymouth Climate Emergency Action Plan 2022
PCC’s 2022 overview of actions that will be implemented by to tackle the climate emergency (38 pages, 11.6MB)
Plymouth Green Space Strategy 2008-2023
Plymouth Park Services’ 2008-2023 plan for protecting and improving the city’s green spaces to secure attractive, safe and easily accessible spaces for all to enjoy (59 pages, 3.14MB)
Plymouth Hotel and Other Accommodation Supply & Demand Study
PCC 2019 market study of the overall accommodation market (hotels, guest houses, etc.) in Plymouth in terms of supply, demand and future developments (72 pages, 3.19MB)
Plymouth Local Transport Plan 2011-26
Plymouth’s Third Local Transport Plan (LTP3), which sets out the transport strategy for the city and provides a framework for the Plymouth Transport and Highways Service within the Council to deliver a high-quality transport network enabling the transformation of the city over 15 years of 2011-2026 (104 pages, 20.2MB)
Plymouth Overarching Drainage Study
Study by Pell Frischmann to identify Plymouth open spaces that could be used to supplement existing surface water drainage or provide space for attenuation
Plymouth Overarching Drainage Study – Appendix A
Appendix A of Drainage Study containing relevant maps
Plymouth Overarching Drainage Study – Appendix B
Appendix B of Drainage Study identifying catchment areas
Plymouth Plan 2014-2034
PCC's overall plan up to 2034, which sets the direction for the city's economy, transport, housing, and spatial strategy; plans to improve the lives of children and young people and address the issues that lead to child poverty; sets out the aspiration to be a healthy and prosperous city with a rich cultural environment (101 pages, 2.53MB)
Plymouth Plan for Homes 2016-2021 brochure
Brochure summarising PCC’s plans to build 5000 new homes over the period 2016-2021, including goals for affordable housing, starter homes, and social rented accommodation (4 pages, 750KB)
Plymouth Plan for Sport brochure
Brochure summarising PCC’s strategic plan for the development of sport within Plymouth to encourage collaboration and to guide the work of anyone involved in the planning and delivery of sport in the city (4 pages, 4.67MB)
Plymouth Plan for Trees brochure
Brochure summarising PCC’s vision and plans for improving the number, health, and diversity of trees in Plymouth, particularly in areas that have fewer trees (8 pages, 3.73MB)
Plymouth Tree Management Principles 2019-2024
PCC management strategy for the trees within its ownership to ensure they have a positive impact on communities, including pruning and in certain circumstances felling and replanting 274 pages, 274KB)
Plymouth Visitor Plan 2020-2030
Report for PCC by Blue Sail consultants on what needs to happen to develop the Plymouth’s visitor economy over the 10-year period from 2020-2030 (16 pages, 411KB)
Plymouth Waterfront Evidence Base
Evidence base for the 2014 Waterfront Topic Paper of the Plymouth Plan (72 pages, 1.94MB)
Plymouth Waterfront Strategic Masterplan – Volume 1: Priority Themes and Opportunities
Waterfront Masterplan by LDA Design for PCC, providing a spatial plan to direct change and investment in a way that brings the greatest benefit to Plymouth and ensuring that the city’s built, natural and historic environments and its neighbourhoods and communities are sustainable well into the next century (88 pages, 7.34MB)
Plymouth’s Green Infrastructure Delivery Plan
Plan by PCC, Natural England, and other organisations setting out a blueprint for the management of existing spaces, how future spaces will be created, and how they will be linked; identifying projects and interventions that will allow the city to grow sustainably (110 pages, 19MB)
Plymouth’s Green Space Strategy Background Report
Report providing background information for Plymouth's Green Space Strategy, which sets out the links between the Strategy and other strategies and policies at local, regional, and national level; describes how data for the Strategy has been collected and analysed; and examines what the data says about the state of green space in Plymouth (55 pages, 1.23MB)
Plymouth’s Vulnerability to Climate Change – Initial Scoping Study
Report setting out the detail available about the effect of climate change on Plymouth in the 2020s, 2050s and 2080s, taking in to account the city’s microclimate and location and considering aspects of business continuity and risk assessment that will assist in addressing the impacts of climate change (53 pages, 553KB)
Strategic Housing Market Assessment Part 1: The Housing Market Area and Updating the Objectively Assessed Need
Strategic Housing Market Assessment for Plymouth, South Hams, and West Devon that updates of the whole area’s housing need, testing alternative scenarios and considering employment issues to determine whether the indicators demonstrate that a market signals uplift is appropriate
Strategic Housing Market Assessment Part 2 – Objectively Assessed Need for Affordable Housing
Strategic Housing Market Assessment (SHMA) that calculates the level of affordable housing need and the size and tenure of all dwellings required within the overall Objectively Assessed Need identified in Part 1 of the SHMA (156 pages, 1.66MB)
The Housing Needs of Physically Disabled People in Plymouth
Report that examines evidence and information (relating to Plymouth) regarding disability to assess disabled housing need (particularly wheelchair accessible specification housing for physically disabled people) and make recommendations about developing a housing delivery programme for wheelchair user housing and other recommendations regarding disabled housing (68 pages, 2.53MB)
Evidence Regarding the Former Register Office
Final Report on Viability - Appendices
Appendices for the chartered surveyor’s report on the economic viability of the proposed housing on the former Plymouth Register Office site (50 pages, 8.85MB)
Final Report on Viability - Former Register Office
Chartered surveyor’s report on the economic viability of the proposed housing on the former Plymouth Register Office site comparing different proportions of affordable housing and market price housing (17 pages, 552KB)
Former Plymouth Register Office RIBA Stage 2 Report
RIBA Stage 2 report on the concept design (Royal Institute of Architects Plan of Work Stage 2) for proposed housing on the Former Plymouth Register Office site (56 pages, 5.4MB)
Former Plymouth Registry Office Feasibility Study
Feasibility study prepared by LHC Design in 2021 for the Hoe Neighbourhood Forum proposing options for affordable housing on the former Plymouth Register Office site, providing evidence for an evolution of JLP Policy PLY 27 that will allow a less dense, more positive contribution to the Hoe Conservation Area (122 pages, 21.3MB)
Former Plymouth Registry Office Heritage Statement
Heritage Statement prepared by LHC Design for the Hoe Neighbourhood Forum on the former Plymouth Register Office in 2021, assessing heritage value of the building itself and its location on the Hoe (40 pages, 10.4MB)
Former Plymouth Registry Office Pre-Application Design Statement
Pre-Application Design Statement prepared by LHC Design in 2021 for the Hoe Neighbourhood Forum proposing options for housing on the Former Plymouth Registry Office site, providing evidence for an evolution of JLP Policy PLY 27 that will allow a less dense, more positive contribution to the Hoe Conservation Area (54 pages, 8.3MB )
Former Plymouth Registry Office Pre-Application Design Statement Appendices
Appendices providing evidence for the proposals in the Pre-Application Design Statement (67 pages, 12.6MB)
Scoping Opinion on Viability – Appendices
Appendices for the initial scoping report on the economic viability of proposed housing on the former Plymouth Register Office site as rental properties (20 pages, 2.53MB)
Scoping Opinion on Viability – Former Register Office
Initial scoping report prepared by chartered surveyors on the economic viability of proposed housing on the former Plymouth Register Office site as rental properties (14 pages, 512KB)
Site Planning Statement - Plymouth Register Office Site, The Hoe
PCC's planning statement that provides guidance for the redevelopment of the former Plymouth Register Office site, including key planning and design issues (4 pages, 896KB)
Tree Constraints Plan for Register Office Site
Detailed plan drawing by Aspect Tree Consultancy identifying the existing trees on the former Plymouth Register Office site (1 page, 1.33MB)
Tree Removal, Retention and Planting Statement
Recommendations from Aspect Tree Consultancy regarding which trees could be removed or replaced on the former Register Office site (4 pages, 364KB)
Tree Survey for Former Register Office Site
Detailed survey by Aspect Tree Consultancy of existing trees on the former Plymouth Register Office site, identifying the species, size, approximate age, and health of each tree (10 pages, 760KB)
Evidence of Public Consultation
HNF Community Engagement Report
Report on the Forum’s community engagement activities in early 2018, including the messages that came out of this consultation and the key themes identified (20 pages, 1.42MB)
New Vision for Madeira Road
Presentation given at the Forum meeting in May 2020 regarding the proposal to limit vehicle traffic on Madeira Road (4 pages, 1.78MB)
Plymouth Register Office Consultation Flyer
Flyer used in 2020 to publicise HNF’s public consultation regarding the former Plymouth Register Office (2 pages, 5.16MB)
Plymouth Register Office Feasibility Presentation
Presentation given at the April 2021 Forum meeting by architectural consultants LHC Design and Form Design Group Architects summarising a proposal for sustainable housing on the former Plymouth Register Office site (22 pages, 4.46MB)
Register Office Consultation Summary Results
Flyer providing a high-level summary of the results of the Forum's 2020 public consultation regarding the future plans for the Plymouth Register Office site (2 pages, 252KB)
Results of Survey on Policy Areas for the Neighbourhood Plan
Presentation summarising the results of the social media surveys conducted by the Forum in 2021 on five key policy areas proposed for the neighbourhood plan (52 pages, 2.67MB)
Frequently Asked Questions About the Hoe Neighbourhood Plan
A set of common questions that may arise during the consultation period to assist our volunteers in helping people understand how the Hoe Neighbourhood Plan was created and the steps required to bring the Plan into force. This is also Appendix 14 of the Consultation Statement. (4 pages, 95KB)
Hoe Neighbourhood Forum Flyer
Initial leaflet distributed to homes and businesses in the Hoe Neighbourhood Area in April 2020 (2 pages, 397KB)
Hoe Neighbourhood Plan Business Survey Report
Report on the Forum's survey of local businesses for the Hoe Neighbourhood Plan (2 pages, 406KB)
List of Bodies and Organisations to Be Consulted at Regulation 14 Stage
List of the statutory consultees and other organisations with an interest in the Plymouth Hoe area who have been invited to comment on the Hoe Neighbourhood Plan during the Regulation 14 consultation (2 pages, 84KB)
Plymouth City Council comments on Draft Hoe Neighbourhood Plan
Letter from Plymouth City Council Planning Department providing detailed comments on the June 2023 draft of the Hoe Neighbourhood Plan (16 pages, 211KB)
Plymouth City Council Feedback on Draft Policies
Table summarising Plymouth City Council's feedback on the initial policies proposed for the Hoe Neighbourhood Plan in May 2020 (7 pages, 178KB)
Poster/Flyer for Reg 14 Consultation
Flyer used to advertise the Reg 14 public consultation on the Hoe Neighbourhood Plan (2 pages, 3.3MB)
Strategic Environmental Assessment and Habitats Regulations Assessment Screening Opinion
Plymouth City Council’s screening report on whether the policies and recommendations in the draft Hoe Neighbourhood Plan will require a Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) and/or a Habitats Regulations Assessment (HRA). The report concludes that neither SEA nor HRA is required for the Hoe Neighbourhood Plan. (71 pages, 5.8MB)
National Policy
National Planning Policy Framework
The National Planning Policy Framework setting out the Government’s planning policies for England and how these should be applied, including a framework within which locally-prepared plans can provide for sufficient housing and other development in a sustainable manner (78 pages, 829KB)