Plan Development
(how our Plan was developed and what happens next)
Neighbourhood Planning
(more about what neighbourhood planning is)
From this page, you can view any section or policy of the latest Hoe Neighbourhood Plan draft. Choose whichever sections or policies interest you -- any or all of them!
If you have limited time, we suggest you look at Section 4, which outlines the vision and objectives of the Plan, and Section 5 and its policies, which are the heart of this plan.
If you prefer to look at the Plan in document form, click HERE to view or download PDFs of the plan documents.
The Hoe Neighbourhood Plan
Section 1: Introduction to the Hoe Neighbourhood Development Plan
Section 2: The Planning Policy Context
Section 3: About the Hoe Neighbourhood Area
Section 4 - A Vision for the Hoe Neighbourhood Area
Section 5: Hoe Neighbourhood Development Plan Policies
Heritage and Design Policies
- Policy H1 - Integration with Character of the Area
- Policy H2 - High-Quality Design
- Policy H3 - Protection of Iconic Views
- Policy H4 - Heritage Assets
- Policy H5 - Buildings of Negative Quality
- Policy H6 - Heritage and Energy Efficiency Retrofit
- Policy H7 - Balconies and Roof Gardens
- Policy H8 - Retail and Commercial Frontages
Blue and Green Environment Policies
- Policy BG1 - Local Green Space Designation / Development on Green Spaces
- Policy BG2 - Protection of Trees, Hedges and Biodiversity
- Policy BG3 - Protection of Street Trees
Pedestrian and Transport Policies
Housing Policies
- Policy HS1 - Housing Mix, Accessibility and Environmental Standard
- Policy HS2 - Housing Site, former Register Office