Section 6: Implementation and Monitoring
6.1 Implementation
Implementation of the Hoe Neighbourhood Plan will be ongoing for the plan period. Responsibility for determining planning applications rests with the local planning authority, Plymouth City Council, who are therefore responsible for applying the policies. The Hoe Neighbourhood Forum will continue to use its role as statutory consultee to comment on planning applications and will engage in proactive dialogue with developers who wish to submit planning applications in the Hoe Neighbourhood Area.
6.2 Monitoring
The following monitoring plan will be adopted by the Hoe Neighbourhood Forum:
- Twelve-Month Review
The Hoe Neighbourhood Development Plan will be reviewed by the Neighbourhood Development Plan Steering Group one year after it is ‘made’ by Plymouth City Council following a successful referendum. The purpose of the review will be primarily to assess the extent to which the Hoe Neighbourhood Development Plan objectives have been implemented in practice and the contribution of the policies and projects contained within it towards meeting the Plan’s objectives. The Steering Group will give a report back to the Hoe Neighbourhood Forum members on the findings of the review.
- Five-Year Review
After first review, the Hoe Neighbourhood Development Plan will be reviewed every five years. Review of policies will be led by the Hoe Forum Planning Sub-Committee and review of the Action Plan led by the Community Aspiration Task Force, with input from Forum members and community representatives. As above, the purpose of the review will be primarily to assess the extent to which the objectives have been achieved in practice and the contribution of the policies and projects contained within it towards meeting those objectives.
- End of Plan Period Review
At least two years prior to the expiry of the Hoe Neighbourhood Development Plan in 2034, a full-scale review will be undertaken to gauge the success of the plan in meeting its objectives and to put in place a succession plan for the Hoe Neighbourhood Area.
6.3 Action Plan for Community Aspirations
The process of developing the Hoe Neighbourhood Development Plan and its policies has generated many ideas for the future sustainable development of the Hoe Neighbourhood Area. Not all of these could be represented in the policies in the Plan, as they are not strictly land-use or planning issues. Some, however, were keenly supported in consultations and are too important to lose. They will therefore form the community aspirations for projects in an Action Plan to be prepared by the Hoe Neighbourhood Forum, where the vision and objectives can be turned into reality.
The Action Plan will be taken forward separately from the Hoe Neighbourhood Development Plan by the Hoe Neighbourhood Forum and other community and business organisations. The project recommendations will be revisited to prioritise them for implementation. As the Action Plan and its contents are non-statutory and do not have the legal status held by the rest of the Hoe Neighbourhood Development Plan and accompanying documentation, the Action Plan does not form part of the Hoe Neighbourhood Development Plan.