Section 4 - A Vision for the Hoe Neighbourhood Area

4.1 Needs and Opportunities

The Hoe has been a natural gathering point and site of special significance since early times. Its commanding views over the natural harbour of Plymouth Sound have shaped its historic and contemporary functions as a military fortification, memorial site, public park, congregational space, bathing area, planned townscape, and tourist attraction.

The high quality of the townscape, waterfront and parks, recognised by many heritage and ecological designations, gives the area a very distinctive character comprising outstanding natural and man-made assets that could be damaged very easily by inappropriate or insensitive development. Protecting nature and heritage by genuinely securing sustainable development therefore lies at the heart of the Hoe Neighbourhood Development Plan.

The Hoe Neighbourhood Area is a focal point for Plymouth’s visitor economy and as such its public spaces, parks and roads are used by visitors as much as by residents, at times giving rise to tensions. Balancing the need to foster a thriving tourist economy and the peaceful enjoyment of residents’ homes and neighbourhood is an important community priority and a key objective of the Hoe Neighbourhood Development Plan.

In recent years the growth of investor interest in property within the Hoe Neighbourhood Area has affected affordability for local people, reduced the supply of homes available to permanent residents, and altered the local demographic by pricing out young families. Addressing this issue by holding in balance the demand for short-term holiday accommodation with the need to foster a diverse and sustainable permanent community is a key objective of the Hoe Neighbourhood Development Plan.

The potential impacts of the parallel Climate and Nature Emergencies are ever-present in community consciousness. The Hoe Neighbourhood Development Plan has been developed with an eye to the future and the changes that we will all need to make to address global warming and biodiversity loss. This theme is threaded throughout the Plan and its policies.

4.2 Community Vision

The vision for the Hoe Neighbourhood Area reflects the views that residents, businesses, and other stakeholders have shared during the preparation of the Hoe Neighbourhood Development Plan. 

The Vision Statement summarises these views in one over-arching aim:

The Hoe Neighbourhood Area will be a thriving and balanced community with a strong sense of identity a place that takes pride in, protects, and enhances all its man-made and natural assets, now and in the future.

4.3 Aims and Objectives

To achieve the overall aim of the Vision Statement, a set of seven objectives emerged. The objectives, and the policies that evolved from them, set out how the vision will be realised through the Hoe Neighbourhood Development Plan.




The Hoe      
Neighbourhood Area      
will be a      
thriving and balanced community with      
a strong sense of identity –      
a place that takes pride in,      
protects, and enhances      
all its man-made     
and natural assets,      
now and in the future.


Protect, value, and make the most of heritage assets (designated and      

Heritage & Design

Policy H1: Integration with Character of the Area

Policy H2: High-Quality Design

Policy H3: Protection of Iconic Views

Policy H4: Heritage Assets

Policy H5: Buildings of Negative Quality

Policy H6: Heritage and Energy Efficiency Retrofit

Policy H7: Balconies and Roof Gardens

Policy H8: Retail and Commercial Frontages

Maintain and improve leisure and well-being and support a diverse, unique cultural offer for visitors and locals alike

Protect, value, and improve the local environment, enhancing biodiversity and maintaining and improving access to      
blue and green spaces

Blue and Green Environment

Policy BG1: Local Green Space Designations/Development on Green Spaces

Policy BG2: Protection of Trees, Hedges and Biodiversity

Policy BG3: Protection of Street Trees

Support measures that address the Climate and Nature Emergencies

Maintain and improve transport and infrastructure connectivity to meet the needs of people who live, work and visit the area, while supporting a low-carbon,      
low-emissions future

Pedestrians and Transport

Policy PT1: Promoting Sustainably Mobility

Policy PT2: Parking

Provide a sustainable and balanced mix of housing that serves all sections of the community


Policy HS1: Housing Mix, Accessibility, and Environmental Standard

Policy HS2: Housing Site at Former Register Office

Support a sustainable and fair local economy


Policy DC1: Developer Contributions

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