Policy PT1 - Promoting Sustainable Mobility

Pedestrians and Transport Policy


Plymouth City Council has declared a climate emergency and Hoe Neighbourhood Forum recognises that the Hoe Neighbourhood Development Plan will exist within this policy context. This is a fast-moving area of UK government policy and the Government has enshrined a target in law to reduce carbon emissions by 78% by 2035 and achieve net zero carbon emissions by 2050. The current need to move rapidly to reduce carbon emissions and urgently bring about more sustainable modes of transport underlines the imperative for a sustainable mobility policy.

National strategy and local strategy such as the Department of Transport's Future of Mobility: Urban Strategy, and Plymouth's Climate Emergency Action Plan aim to increase walking, cycling and use of public transport. With transport accounting for around a third of carbon emissions and the value of exercise to health and well-being widely recognised, there is a strong case for prioritising sustainable mobility (walking, cycling and use of public transport).

The Hoe Neighbourhood Forum recognises that the Hoe Neighbourhood Development Plan exists within the context of climate emergency and that action is needed to achieve net zero carbon emissions. The Hoe Neighbourhood Development Plan seeks to encourage and enable more walking, cycling and use of public transport and adds value to the Plymouth and South West Devon Joint Local Plan Strategic Policies SPT9 and SPT10.


Over the lifetime of the Hoe Neighbourhood Development Plan, it is anticipated that the Plymouth and South West Devon Joint Local Plan Strategic Policies SPT9 and SPT10 will lead to road capacity being incrementally released to ease local traffic and parking issues, reducing noise and air pollution and delivering a pleasanter environment for all. Policy PT1 establishes local planning policy for the Hoe Neighbourhood Area that encourages the behaviours to support this release.

Key Evidence Sources:

Policy PT1: Promoting Sustainable Mobility

  1. New development should be designed to support a more sustainable local transport network. Proposals will be supported where they prioritise walking, cycling, and public transport as the most favoured modes of transport.
  2. Proposals for the introduction of on-street/curbside public electric vehicle charging points or mobility hubs in suitable locations will be supported, provided that they are sited appropriately and will not impede pedestrian or cyclist safety.

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