Policy H4 - Heritage Assets

Heritage and Design Policy


Much of the Hoe Neighbourhood Area is designated as a Conservation Area and planning applications here should heed the guidance contained within the Hoe Conservation Area Appraisal and Barbican Conservation Area Appraisal

There are 68 buildings and assets in the Hoe Neighbourhood Area that are recognised through a listing for their contribution to national heritage. While these architectural and historic features are protected by national designations such as listings, others that the community feel contribute to the character and sense of place of the Hoe Neighbourhood Area are not. Designating a building, site or feature as a Locally Significant Heritage Asset can help to protect it. This is achieved through the planning system by making the impact of any planning proposal on a locally designated asset a 'material consideration' when assessing that planning application. The location of those local architectural and/or historic features that are worthy of inclusion in Policy H4 and are not nationally listed (e.g., Grade I, Grade II, etc.) are listed in Appendix 2. This approach is supported by the National Planning Policy Framework, which states that plans should set out a positive strategy for the conservation and enjoyment of the historic environment. It also states that the effect of an application on the significance of a non-designated heritage asset should be taken into account in determining an application.

The Government's Planning Practice Guidance supports the identification of non-designated heritage assets through the neighbourhood planning process (Paragraph 018-039). An audit of local buildings and assets (Appendix 3) was undertaken by members of the Hoe Neighbourhood Forum Steering Group to determine non-designated heritage assets, recognising their value to the local character of the area.

Policy DEV21 of the Plymouth and South West Devon Joint Local Plan seeks to ensure that development does not harm the character of a place; however Plymouth City Council does not keep a local list of heritage assets for the city. This policy adds value to the Plymouth and South West Devon Joint Local Plan by establishing a Local Heritage List that identifies buildings and features of heritage value to the local community that if treated as non-designated heritage assets would be a material consideration when determining the outcome of a planning application.


Policy H4 of the Hoe Neighbourhood Development Plan will help to conserve and enhance the historic built environment of the Hoe Neighbourhood Area. This includes buildings, structures, features, and views recognised for their heritage value by statutory listing, local listing, or by virtue of their contribution to the Conservation Area. Development proposals should refer to the Hoe Conservation Area Management Action Plan, the Plymouth Hoe Design Guide and the Local Heritage List to inform a contextually appropriate design approach.

Figure 9: Map showing Heritage Assets

(Orange/red = Listed or designated, Green = Local list)

Map showing Heritage Assets (Orange/red = Listed / designated, Green = Local list)

Policy H4: Heritage Assets

Development affecting designated and non-designated heritage assets within the Hoe Neighbourhood Area must pay special regard to the need to conserve and enhance their settings and any special architectural or historic features as appropriate to their significance.

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